
Turner Sims Sound Collage as part of #SOTSEF 16th March 2024


On Saturday 16th March I curated some musical family events in the Foyer of the wonderful Turner Sims concert hall as part of #SOTSEF, the Southampton University Science and Engineering Family Day.

Having grown up in Southampton and played many concerts in Turner Sims as a teenager it always such a pleasure to work in this wonderful place.

Over the course of 4 hours at least 50 people put my headphones on, stepped up to a microphone and recorded their ideas to a drone I had created.

These included children of all ages, parents, siblings, grandparents, friends, colleagues, the staff at Turner Sims, Students and anyone else who was passing through.

Each of the coloured lines you see is someone’s recorded contribution to the piece. Over the day I collated, mixed and turned their recordings into an original Sound Collage which is what you are listening too now. Please share this with all your friends, family and on social media!

Thankyou to everyone who contributed to the piece!

Special mention to Southampton University Music lecturer Chiying Lam (Melodeon and leader of the group singing you can hear) and two university Students Jiayi Chen (Guzheng) and Xinda Zhu (French Horn) for adding your music to the piece.

Also huge thanks to the Turner Sims Staff, especially Frankie McCormick for organising and keeping me on track throughout the day and to Jessica Santer for asking me to come!

If you are running a creative day and would like me to work with participants to create something similar or run a live music workshop to create your own music please get in touch neilvalentinemusic@gmail.com



Music and video (c) Neil Valentine 2024


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